now only got photos so i will type the words when i return from camp.
[edit] back from camp and inserted words (:
7 May 08
we got our chem test the same friday,and so we needed our tys back. there was one extra on the table w/ no name on it,and so our dear Mr.Sim ChunYou wrote this on the whiteboard:

the book turned out to be esther's. aiyo,that girl!
anyway,we had a 'remedial' session with dewi later so she could help us w/ our chem.
esther was drawing while waiting for dewi at central mac...
drawing furiously...

then zijing was stupid -and bored- waiting for dewi and decided to use her food packages to make a robot thingy. esther put the twist at the back of the robot when zj took this pic:
at the library we saw this wonderous buterfly at the 2nd floor window beside which we sat.
zijing chased it away about 2 hours later when dewi commented that it could be dead (which it couldn't be unless it was stuck to the glass,otherwise it will fall off the window.)
9 May 08, Esther's b'dae
we celebrated in a great fashion.
i met these 2 new ppl named zipeng an kangming. they are nice guys,real fun to play with.
at esther's we played cheat,uno and some stacking game whose name i forget.
we got dennis to take this picture:

front from right: esther dorothy meiyen zipeng. back from right: zijing kangming
kangming 'showing off' the amount of cards he got from cheat (which means he lost horribly lah. hahas)
esther's b'dae cake from her parents...
we ate cake and sent the guys home.. it was about 11pm already. and we started our slumber party(: we watched hannah montana at first, and meiyen fell asleep at 1++am before the whole thing ended. we then watched a korean movie named '2 faces of my girlfriend' but dor and teo fell asleep at the start cos the movie was super darn slow. that was around 2.15am. zj then started cleaning up and slept.
her saturday cake from her tuition teacher.
12 May 08 was bored during chinese class in the com lab and thus made this using paint.

esther got this cross thing and stuck it on her phone and we went to my house to do maths together..
i seriously dont get why everyone is so facinated by the blackboard (aka chalkboard) at my house. the last time XD and eli (xiaodan and eileen) came over,they to scribbled on the board. esther drew a tree and some flowers. zj added some flowers to that drawing.
14 May 08
we took our VE test thingy today. i missed the master builder by 60k in assets to become the master builder... sigh~ i want to retake!
my cert on the com (cos they wun let us print):
15 May 08
weizheng's 'rubbish gene' after we heard about them in bio lesson. that boy is just so full of wierd ideas.

zj's cookie phone charm w/ vikie

yenni's, zj's and teo's straws in the bubble tea..

zj and teo using the satay sticks left from the fries from lunch to play. now trying to poke jenny.

jenny (his nickname) laughing

jenny talking

bored and drew on fingernails... so many flowers.. zj is so bored..

we went to esther's house to make dorothy's present afterward. yenni said that there were not many pics of me and thus took them at teo's house. teo took some too.

16 May 08 b'dae celebration for dorothy!
ok,title says it all. credits to kagami and liangyi for some of the pics(:
dor taking photo of her cake w/ yenni's phone:

cake w/candle!

wish wish wish!

dor w/ her cake:

dor's cake before it was cut

dor had to make the first cut after everything was taken off her cake. we chose chocolate cos its her favourite.

after yenni cut it:

dor posing w/ a cheese thingy and her cake
laopo & laogong pic 4 (plus 2 'kids' behind them)

kagami's cake

hers and mine

we gave dorothy her present after ward...
the ppl who made them presented dor her 'prize'
yenni and dor

zj and dor

teo and dor

weiling drew these on our hands during geog after ms chin gave us free time. she credited heself in black ink under our blue inked names. thanks,weilin!

nice clouds that day,too.

we went w/ dor to do her blood test at NUH, before dashing home to get ready for our movie outing w/ the guys (kangming and zipeng) afterward. those 3 girls shopped and shopped at NUH's bookshop. sure,the pens are cute. they just took real long,is all. zj went to yenni's to borrow a skirt. they tried to dress her up TT.TT
it was super hilarious la. esther looks hot in what she wore. dorothy said that and i agreed. also,all of us wore white tops and had black pants/skirts/jacket/just something black we wore.
so coincidental. we watched What Happened in Vegas. it was a wonderful movie,tho predictable.
yenni went off to meet bh after the movie.
the rest of us went gai-gai at amk hub and at central. the guys watched us look at clothes.. those poor guys...
we continued walking till 9++pm,then decided to go to amk park. me and dor watched the rest play at the sandy playground. esther climbed the spider web structure!
try to find her in the pic below. my phone's camera's night mode sucks.

zipeng got his PSP from his fren and the 6 of us went to eat at the 24-7 mac nearby afterward. we went to take a bus home at about 10.30pm and reached khatib mrt stop at about 11pm. dor and i didnt want to go home so zipeng went w/ us to the playground near peiying primary to play on the swings till about 12 am before we sent zipeng home (downstairs his block,actually)... esther and dor talked to each other while zipeng and zijing chatted about anime and sung anime songs while we were on the swings..........
17 May 08
and went to esther's house for the next sleepover. zj and teo cooked noodles and egg while dor watched rolling love on teo's laptop. we ate and watched atlantis the lost empire till 2++am
we put on the masks esther bought for her b'dae slumber party and didnt use (cos the fell asleep) and got our white tops stained pinkish. we were washing our clothes at 3am in the morning lor. so funny and wierd la.
we played dress up after washing (our clothes, and) the masks off till about 4.30am before deciding it was finally time for sleep.

dor didnt sleep at all lah. she cant sleep anywhere else except at home on her bed.
we actually wanted to go jogging in the morning but decided against it afterward since we were still quite tired in the morning.
anyway,zipeng came over the nxt day after our breakfast and teo,me and him went to dor's house after teo's tuition. dor had to go home first cos her relatives were going to her house. got yenni to go to dor's hse too,and she arrived before us. we brought esther's uno cards over.
dor's cake her relatives got her: (she and teo both got 2 cakes while i got 1 slice long after my b'dae! its still better then nothing,though. but i would have loved 1 on my birthday.)

we kept wondering if kangming was ever gonna come. we think we told him not to come since dor was going home (didnt think that we would go to dor's house at first) we then realised this: kangming coming? kangming coming? kangming coming? kangming coming? kangming coming?
it rhymes la. we laughed and laughed.
we watched Ah Long Pte Ltd at dor's house before going out. too bad we couldnt bring dor's nephew and niece out to the playground near peiying cos they had to go home. they're so very adorable.
there's this spinning thing at the playground and esther was the only one who can spin round and round on it like crazy.

esther giddy and tired from all the spinning around...

dor tried and jumped off when she saw my camera pointing at her but i got the pic of her jumping off the spinning thing! hahas
look at zipeng's wierd action at the back lah.

18 May 08
had to go clean up the place to prepare for the religious camp!
i was supposed to pack/arrange the books at the mini library on the third floor. i found some books i liked and was more of reading than packing. my senior commented that i loved books. even if i only love some genres,her statement is still true. there was this dictionary so old its covers were falling off. the paper felt so fragile. i handled the book real carefully.
there were also other books that had holes in them literally. they look very much like nests of ants. i think it was probably woodlice,silverfish or termites that created them. the extent of the damage was shocking. a section of the book was destroyed from cover to cover. i was thankful the words were not very much affected,rendering the book still useful.
anyway,there was this decoration in the cupboard:
i couldnt bear to throw it away... its beautiful. (also due in large part to the fact that i love flowers,but still.)
20 May 08
the moon looks great with the clouds. this is the 16th of the month in the chinese calender.

21 May 08
mel drew this on the board in the guides room and koonie wanted to erase it so as to teach stupid zijing differentiation..

koonie's mimicked drawing:

zijing made 2 roses w/ ribbons. her fingers sacrificed and got stained silverish.

the roses (: