Thursday, July 31, 2008
7/31/2008 10:35:00 pm
i cant tink of anything to type right now,other than that school is starting to be a chore,and that i have to stop using the computer for quite some time..
i just bought Twilight yesterday (which took me really long) as it was on. its slightly cheaper,but costly still, at $12.15.
i wonder how much Breaking Dawn will cost.. lucky i have dewi and esther who are willing to go with me to look at it at Junction8 monday after EC. thanks,ladies!
i cant wait! 4 more days! yay! i hope to see a good ending,and then i can finally concentrate more properly on my academics after my mind is more at ease,and that i have the Twilight movie to look forward to. i shall await with fabulous patience.
last of all,this,as tomorrow we will have the last one:
Carlisle: "I've seen vampire venom work miracles, but there are conditions that even venom cannot overcome."Jacob: "I'll kill you myself! I'll do it now!"
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
7/29/2008 09:39:00 pm
so i came late to school today and i had to do schol service and i let everyone down cos its only 2 more days to zero-latecoming july.
i'm sorry!! i swear i wont do it again!
5 more days to breaking dawn!!! i so totally can
not wait! yay!!
i went and read chpt 1 of Breaking Dawn online (at least part of it) and i'm shocked at some of the things.
first of all,bella's truck died and edward got her a new car (that hasnt even been out in america and britian), the Mercedes-Benz s600 Guardian. (okay,no surprise there. bella had promised to let edward get her a fast car and whatnot)
oh well.. i shall say no more.. but i still cant wait!! hahas. i know,i know. i'm in crazy fangirl-ing mode here (:
i wonder if the quotes are what the characters have said in the book... but here they are..
Edward: "You look so guilty—like you've committed a crime."Sam: "This is not something our treaty anticipated. This is a danger to every human in the area."Rosalie: "I'd like to beat you dead."Jasper: "I can't understand. I can't bear this."Seth: "You'll hurt her. Let her go."
Thursday, July 24, 2008
blah blah
7/24/2008 10:46:00 pm
so many things i wanted to say... an dso much i cannot put into words..
we bid farewell to our dear Mr Christen Russell De la Cruz (he's part-spanish. cool!) wednesday morning. i know i almost cried. here's a video of him teaching 3/2... cant really hear him talk,but the guitar is great!
Breaking Dawn quotes of the dayEdward: "Oops."
Renee: "Alice wouldn't let us do anything else. Every time we tried, she all but ripped our throats out."
Edward: "Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away."
Rosalie: "Over my pile of ashes."we did our thank-you notes that day in class.
i promise i will pen this kind of notes to as many people as i possibly can!
with adorable stickers or some drawings. whichever way,i shall pen a lot of them! hahas.
you will be sorely missed, Mr. De la Cruz
Sunday, July 20, 2008
thinking back...
7/20/2008 09:08:00 pm
Alice: "No one will dare to call you plain when I'm through with you."Bella: "Only because they're afraid you'll suck their blood."now that i think of it... the guides are really huggable.. i can put both arms around them and still leave lots of girth. they're so tiny!
anyway,this is the only picture i got from the ROD day,and so i shall put it up.
v YUHANG's birthday cake,the one i had so much fun (and some trouble) trying to cut.

Saturday, July 19, 2008
oh my gosh.
7/19/2008 09:27:00 pm
okay. updating. yay. hahas. its going to be long so you might not want to read it. hahas,yeah. but still,no pictures again. sorry.
i cant believe the only thing i missed about not having my phone was that i cant take pictures anymore. and now that i am going to get a replacement (i had to get one or i'd get penalised for the loss of my phone. i have to get the free replacement SIM card by August 2nd [Breaking Dawn release date! yay! too bad i dont live in north america,otherwise i'd be able to get it 2 days before its released worldwide on August 4th. oh,well,at least i can get it immediately on August 4th after school at popular when it comes..])
more quotes of the day from Breaking Dawn:
Charlie: "Bells, we're up to bat."Edward: "You're awfully small to be so hugely irritating."Bella: "Why am I covered in feathers?"thursdayziqin didnt come to school today due to his injured leg during yesterday's PE lesson.
we kept wondering if got EC today. but in the end is still have..
anyway,chem lesson was hilarious. gone through our chem paper,and Mr.Soh wanted a marker. ChuPing hurled --well,threw,really-- his whiteboard marker at Mr.Soh,and it hit him on his lip.
he was all "ouch",and touched his lip lightly.
afterward,he went on with his lesson.
he must have touched his lip again;it must sting abit. because he said, "i'm bleeding!"
the whole class was shocked and ChuPing's face was lined with guilt. he was blushing,as well,as he laid his head on his desk.
Mr.Soh spelled something wrong afterward,and he said,"cos i was bleeding"
stop bullying chuping lah! our class was..well,not exactly outraged,but taking a dig at our precious class chair was kinda over the top. but i suppose our class will stand up for anyone in class if anything happened to them and they are innocent.
(like that time when Mr Ong announced dorothy's name for "people who didnt attend the awards night rehearsal and never report to a teacher the next morning to explain themselves. half the class stayed at the hall after assembly to wait for her and testify for her if needed,because we knew she had gone for the rehearsal. what wonderful class spirit. i am reminded of the time kl told me how she envied how everyone in our class is able to chat with each other.. okay,back to the subject)
anyway,chuping was so guilt-ridden for the rest of the lesson -i'd bet for the rest of his life- that he seemed more quiet than usual. poor dear. we bugged Mr.Soh to give us help for SPA later and he conceeded.
VE was after,and we were taught about the uses and abuse of ICT.
i was enraged by the teens who did the "Fire in the Haul" video and posted in youtube the video of their pranks. many criticized,and the video was eventuall put down and the teens had gone to juvenile court,charged with 100hours of community service,and they posted an apology letter on youtube. who was to blame? youtube? the joke site who posted the prank online? the teens? i doubt anyone can do all of that. no,my point is,abuse of the ICT has really gone out of hand,and i feel that we should all put in some effort to do what is right rather than what is more popular. however,there were still good uses of the ICT. there was a video about this group of 3caucasian men who took a video of the old man who pulled their rickshaw for them,making fun of him huffing and puffing. they were obviously criticized,and angry singaporeans took a video interviewing the old rickshaw uncle of his experiences and feelings. he was angry and upset about the caucasians,but he was unable to do anything. what can an old man do against 3 men who were stronger than him? and who will earn money if he was injured?
i concluded that ICT was fine as long as it is not misused.
we got our paper,the one on which the rest of the class had to write the good qualities of others.
i got 3 "nice", 4 "responsible", 8 "loud,talkative or vocal", and 14 "helpful". (i dont understand 'too helpful' by one of my peers. it sounds like a bad thing,but i let that pass.)
at english EC we wrote our formal letter and handed that in. those who finished had to wait until 3.30pm to be released.
fridayshuyi is absent today,while ziqin got back to school. shuyi's having problems with her back again... get well soon,shuyi!
i had slept 3 hours only as i had to prepare my uniform and complete the gifts intended for my guides. i didnt,and had to do them in school.
i had to bring my uniform and many other items to school. it was irritating. and people were staring at the amount of things i was holding on the bus. it was unnerving.
anyway,i didnt go to class though i had arrived early. i went to the Heritage Gallery where my guides had to fall-in. i gave my uniform to MeiXin so she can help me out it in the guides room,then went to sit at the parade square with my class after checking on the guides.
i still had my bag of things and my school bag,so i was rather uncomfortable,but who cares?
anyway,we had an add. maths mock test to do during maths class (and at EC after school). i was sure i'd die for that paper,but i didnt care anymore. no amount of studying will help me at this last minute moment. i had told her i need a lot of time to finish even 1 question,as i gave up on trying to finish my paper and settled for handing it in. Ms Lee had said to me that i did fine for the first few questions in the A maths term 3 tests,but the ones at the back were poorly done. she said she could see i was rushing,that my work had become more rushed.
chemistry was disasterous. Mr.Soh went through with us the last time our skill 3 skills. kelvin had said it wasnt difficult,that we just had to choose the right method to use. MrSoh had said: "i heard you all have heard from 4/4 that the test is ve~ery difficult,huh." "yes." the class had choursed. i had studied -even if a little- for my chem SPA,but i think the method i had chosen was wrong,and i made the mistake of letting the student take 11 readings rather than just 3 or 5 of them. i had discovered my mistake with 2 minutes to the end of the exam,and i had scolded myself during the impossibly long 2 minutes.
i checked later,in the chem o levels notes i had. i did get the method off. i knew i was dead,but did not dwell on it. since laoda was not here,i had 2 periods to do my presents for the guides.
as expected,the roses i did earned some praise from my peers,though i had thought they (the roses) were not as pretty as i'd hoped they would be. XD had taken a ribbon from me to try and make a rose. hers looked great,not the tight ugly ones like mine. she just needed to work on the sides and it would look perfect. she said she is a failure,but i suppose we all feel that way (as in we will think we are failures) once in awhile..
in VE,a lot of them had to go for this NE survey,leaving the rest of us in class to do a 3-2-1 reflection on the use/abuse of ICT. after that was lunchtime and maths EC. me,jertaime,jieying and cheryl had talked during lunch break. yet again,i was reminded of kl's words about how our classmates are able to just join any conversation by just pulling our chair over and sitting at their table or just stand there and listen to them talk.
it was guides time after EC. i played balloons with them. Mrs Chung was teaching them balloon crafting/sculpting. i made this bee thing and went aroung stinging everyone with it afterward. being stupid,again.
we had our ROD (retirement of duty,for those who dont know) rehearsal and the real thing afterward. thanks,chuping,qinjie,yongbang and yilin,for coming to watch our ROD.
thanks again to chuping and thanks to koonling,for helping us to take photos during the ceremony. the guides had a group hug afterward,and it was warm and fun.
the NCOs had cried (except the perpetually happy sun,MeiXin.) and hugged almost everyone. a picture war ensued,and as the tears and sweat ran down our faces,we tried our best to smile for everyone. even yingxin and audrey hugged,though they were on poor terms 2 years back. come to think of it,i hadn't hugged audrey!
TT_TT oh,well.. at least they've made up,and wished other good luck for the coming o levels. i'm glad things were able to end on a good note between them.
Mrs Chung and Mrs Kok had given us hugs too,along with words of encouragement.
my -our- guides have to be the absolute sweetest people i've known,and i'd hate to leave them and the school when the time comes. even my classmates. i cant believe how much -how little- more time i have with them... 1 of the reasons i dont want to graduate,that i want time to stop,is bacause i love all my friends at school so much. more so my class and our guides. i...i dont want to leave,but i will have to. and when i do,i will never forget each and every one of them. at least i hope my memory holds well enough for me to remember everyone for as long as i lived. kareen had asked me to go back as a YA and i had told her i will try. thing is,we might not get posted to the school we want to,the school that we come from,and that being a YA is not only a great responsibility,but also requires a lot of time management (which i know i lack). how can i keep my promise to her? this promise is most probably broken as soon as i'd made it. i'm such a hideous person.
we celebrated yuhang's birthday with an adorable cake. i had helped to cut it later on. i just randomly cut the cake w/o counting the number of guides. the sugar-people,at least that's what i call them- taste horrible. too sweet,even for someone with a sweet tooth like me.
i slept most of today (well,yesterday,really), and now i have to go finish my work or i wont have time to do so sunday when i have to go play with XinLi at Escape or Wild Wild Wet.
oh,well. hope you had fun reading this post,much as i had fun typing it.. i will post pictures of the ROD once i get my hands on them. this promise,i will be able to keep. i shall go do my work now,so if you'll excuse me......
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
7/16/2008 08:06:00 pm
these few days has been kinda boring..
but just 2 days ago chuping got off at the wrong bus stop and had to walk back home.
mondaywas kinda upset.. i got back my physics paper (i failed) but this means i've got to work harder!!
mrs yeo keeps giving us papers to do... so 麻烦... but as they say, "Practice makes PERFECT".
so i assume i can at least
try to pass with so much help? i'd be an ingrate if i didnt...
tuesdaywe got another set of physics paper to do.. gah.
half the class went to do their photogate experiment.
then my group was joined by marcus (xiuwei went down)
just feels that there are many groups gossipping about instead of doing their work..
i heard some things which i think i was no supposed to hear.. i mean,i was horrified at the piece of gossip! (i shall not divulge)
i went and looked at the several Twilight movie pictures, videos, and websites.
only then did i realise Robert Pattinson acted as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter!
i guess i'm too slow. GAH.
anyway,picture of the (hot) guy; Robert Pattinson:

okay. total yay-ness! hahas!
okay. i saw this,and it was quote of the day for 12June:
Breaking Dawn Quotes of the DayAlice: “I’ll play you for it. Rock, paper, scissors.”Edward: “Why don’t you just tell me who wins?”Alice: “I do. Excellent.”Bella: "Oh, Mike! How will I go on?"Tanya: "Ah, Edward. I've missed you." Emmett: "Oooo, scary."Bella: "Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you?"hahas.
wednesday (today)went thru physics papers (worksheeets)
english esson was fun. we did our presentation. though i screwed up.
we had 4 periods geog.
countdown to Breaking Dawn: 16 days!
Friday, July 11, 2008
7/11/2008 08:17:00 pm
today,we celebrate the birthdays of 3 teachers of whom we have lessons with today.
Ms Zaiton, Mr Soh, and laoda.
Mr De la Cruz and Ms Tan came in early this morning with a square cake from 4leaves bakery.
we closed the door after a false alarm when Ms Tan came in. Mr De la Cruz's action when he heard 'class stand' was hilarious! he quickly stood in front of the cake after having faltered for a moment. it was super cute! (we had turned off the lights too)
we sang a birthday song loudly when Ms Zaiton entered the class.
she had said, "I knew you were up to something when i saw the classroom door close. because it was always open."
anyway,she had to make a wish and take pictures with Mr De la Cruz and Ms Tan and the cake afterward.
then,the class became a little chaotic as we wondered what we have to give to Mr Soh and laoda.
but when Mr Soh entered the class (after double maths),his birthday song:
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to The Hulk
Happy Birthday to you
"The Hulk" because of his muscles. i think kenneth or marcus came up with it.
Mr Soh had said, "ya,ya.." and had given us our common test papers after going through with us our SPA skill 3 mistakes.
it was then recess,and the class had fun drawing on the board for laoda.
qinjie was all: "i want to stay here and 看戏!" but of course he had his chinese lesson to attend.
the big words 生日快乐 could be seen,along with these: (from many students)
2。头发浓密 (去Beijing101)
and these from the various students:
mabel: 老大继续cute
audrey: 不要叫我小la jiao
junhao: 男人十八一朵花
wenyan: 老师您几岁了?
jeanette: 我没带dictionary!怎么办?): 不要给作文la...好吗?谢谢!
actually baolin had written but erased this: 不要叫我包死!
she drew this nice pic anyway. i will post it if i can get in on my hands..
老大had seen the board cos he walked from the 4/1 side to come to class. by then,many people had taken pictures of our amazing whiteboard. he was shocked,but came into the class anyway.
however,even after much persuation,老大had written on the SSRP board our 作文title under the request of many students to not erase the board. bacause “生日也要做作文!”
he had written rather gleefully on the SSRP board after saying “谢谢你们的一番好意”
and so our efforts are not wasted (:
he then wrote on the main board:
and drew a cake on the SSRP board for Ms Zaiton (we have VE after chinese) but spelled:"Happy Brithday to you, 4/5 & 4/2"
his 'birthday spell wrong lah... haha.
den was Ms Zaiton's VE period. she talked to us about some issues.
about blogging, Mr Tan had said:
Hurtful (as in dont be hurtful)
N (i cant rmb what it is now..will fill in if i remember)
anyway,we did a useful and fun exercise today. we wrote good qualities about all our other class mates today. the paper-passing has to be one of the most fun and exciting things we ever did for VE.
i saw many good thigs people thought about me,and some not-so-good ones.
so its time i improved myself!!
come to think of it.. we're all going to graduate soon.. its really depressing thinking about this kind of things,but i cant help it if i did...
okay,anyway. we did our ss transformance things today.
before that,we had realised ChuPing had forgotten to ask the class to sing vivien her b'dae song today, and so we (got 3 groups doing ss and chuping and qinjie and zongyou and chunyou) sang her a song (: even though chuping gave vivien her present (its hand-made,and looks like a fat and short toblerone bar. LOL XD)
lots of productive work in an hour!
and we had so much fun!
kenneth,hongye,vivien and i are the ship while jertaime,jeanette and baolin are the horse people and the pirates. we did a few practices in just one hour and that was great!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
7/10/2008 09:34:00 pm
the weather is definately getting to me these days.
it rains,then stops,then rains again in the sun.
my headache is acting up again due to the unpredictable weather.
i must remember to bring my painkillers to school... heh heh..
today on chinese we debated over if teachers are responsibe if students get poor results.
it was hilarious the answers they wrote on the board..
1。老师出的题目很难 (by gloria) [true,but students ought to have prepared more sometimes]
2。老师有问题 (by calvin) [!?!?]
then someone added this (will not say who lest i get this person in trouble):
i laughed hardest at the last one.
but,there are redeemable ones..
1。学生不努力,他们也有责任 (by kenneth)
so,we are continuing this on monday(: i hope we can now see who has more responsibility.. hahas. though this kind of things... usually has no answer. best to have a 中立者 view of everything.
Monday, July 07, 2008
7/07/2008 04:29:00 pm
i love this song and so i shall put the lyrics here:
HOWLING - Darker than Black - Anime
song: abingdon boys school
words: Takanori Nishikawa
music: Shibasaki Hiroshi
arrangement: abingdon boys
(a night sky full of cries
hearts filled with lies the contract--is it worth the price?
a soul pledged to the darkness
now I've lost it, I know I can kill
the truth is just beyond the Gate)
塞がれた瞼から 流れ出した涙
繰り返し蝕まれる 理性と血の欠片
I don't want anything anymore
(暴き出す感情が around Turn round)
I don't feel the way as before
(Gang Bang Son of a gun)
絡めた ふたつの胸の隙間で
欲しがるだけの 乾いたこのカラダが
汚れた指先で 夜を注ぎ込んで
千切れるまで 君を抉じ開けて
浅い眠りの中 剥がれた想いが軋む
何もかも 今は全て 消し去れたら
Sun will rise Close your eyes
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Hold inside
Just HOWLING in the shadows
絶え間なく 降りしきる 雨に打たれながら
しがみつく その背中に 深く爪を立てた
I don't need anything anymore
(No one else can take my place)
I don't see the way as before
(I've been lost without a trace)
誰かの 触れた夢の続きを
遮る様に 閉ざしていたココロが
汚れた指先で 何度も抱き合って
宛て度なく君を 手繰り寄せて
淡い記憶がまだ 残した傷みに滲む
手に入れた ものが全て 過ちでも
失う度に 覚醒てゆくチカラで
汚れたこの翼が 夜を注ぎ込んで
千切れるまで 君を抉じ開けて
浅い眠りの中 剥がれた想いが軋む
何もかも 今は全て 消し去れたら
Sun will rise. Close your eyes
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Give me sight to see inside
I'm calling
Take a bite night by night
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Hold inside
Just HOWLING in the shadows
Romaji Lyrics
(a night sky full of cries
hearts filled with lies
the contract--is it worth the price?
a soul pledged to the darkness
now I've lost it, I know I can kill
the truth is just beyond the Gate)
Fusagareta mabuta kara nagaredashita namida
Kurikaeshi mushibamareru risei to chi no kakera
I don't want anything anymore
(Abakidasu kanjou ga around Turn round)
I don't feel the way as before
(Gang Bang Son of a gun)
Karameta futatsu no mune no sukima de
Hoshigaru dake no kawaita kono karada ga
Kegareta yubisaki de yoru wo sosogikonde
Chigireru made kimi wo kojiakete
Asai nemuri no naka hagareta omoi ga kishimu
Nanimo ka mo ima ha subete keshisaretara
Sun will rise Close your eyes
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Hold inside
Just HOWLING in the shadows
Taema naku furishikiru ame ni utarenagara
Shigamitsuku sono senaka ni fukaku tsume wo tateta
I don't need anything anymore
(No one else can take my place)
I don't see the way as before
(I've been lost without a trace)
Dareka no fureta yume no tsudzuki wo
Saegiru you ni tozashite ita kokoro ga
Kegareta yubisaki de nando mo dakiatte
Atedo naku kimi wo teguriyosete
Awai kioku ga mada nokoshita itami ni nijimu
Te ni ireta mono ga subete ayamachi demo
Ushinau tabi ni mezamete yuku chikara de
Kegareta kono tsubasa ga yoru wo sosogikonde
Chigireru made kimi wo kojiakete
Asai nemuri no naka hagareta omoi ga kishimu
Nanimo ka mo ima ha subete keshisaretara
Sun will rise. Close your eyes
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Give me sight to see inside
I'm calling
Take a bite night by night
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Hold inside
Just HOWLING in the shadows
(a night sky full of cries
hearts filled with lies
the contract--is it worth the price?
a soul pledged to the darkness
now I've lost it, I know I can kill
the truth is just beyond the Gate)
Tears streamed from my squeezed-shut eyelids
My reason and the fragments of my blood are repeatedly undermined
I don't want anything anymore
(My exposed feelings go around and turn 'round)
I don't feel the same way as before
(Gang bang, son of a gun)
In the crack between two entwined chests
This parched body that only desires will--
Imbue itself into the night with filthy fingertips
And wrench you open until you're torn to shreds
And its peeling emotions will creak in a shallow sleep
If it can erase just about everything entirely right now
The sun will rise, so close your eyes
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Hold inside
Just HOWLING in the shadows
While struck by the incessantly pouring rain
I dug my claws deep into your clinging back
I don't need anything anymore
(No one else can take my place)
I don't see the same way as before
(I've been lost without a trace)
As if to interrupt the continuation of
Someone's touching dream, my locked-away heart will--
Embrace you many times over with filthy fingertips
And aimlessly reel you in close
And its fleeting memories will blur with the remaining pain
Even if everything it has obtained is a mistake
With power that awakens each time I lose something, I will--
Imbue myself into the night with these filthy wings
And wrench you open until you're torn to shreds
And my peeling emotions will creak in my shallow sleep
If I can erase just about everything entirely right now
The sun will rise, so close your eyes
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Give me sight to see inside
I'm calling
Take a bite, night by night
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Hold inside
Just HOWLING in the shadows
7/07/2008 09:39:00 am
i shall talk about NOMAD.
its definately a great experience for me!!
credits to chuping (and his camera) and those who helped to take the pictures!
pre-NOMAD preparations
chunyou drew this in the class as a reminder:

we made this ball thing to act as a disco ball, and xiuwei and (i think) ziqin were playing with it

setting up time!! (:


pasting the banner onto the poles

still sticking... the ball is not stuck yet..

the decorated table

putting the banner up..

it was sagging down,so we had to tie 2 more poles to the back to prevent the sag.
this is zijing tying the square lash on the right side of the banner... qinjie tied the left side..

esther lifting the poles for zijing to tie...

shifting the table.. wooh! strong guys!!

still tying the knots...

listening intently to instructions...

the banner on the floor

kenneth and his 'pole-dance' pole.
and yes,he did a 2 minute pole-dance cos he lost to xiuwei in a sliding game. lol.

chatting and resting people..

eye power. exceptionally helpful,guys.

the banner came off and so junhao stood on the table on which the banner was tied to to secure the banner with more tape.

still sticking...

these people are trying to secure the banner so it doesn't fall or tilt backwards.

junhao sticking, zijing looking at xiuwei and chuping playing 'weight-lifter' and laughing.

junhao looking at zijing and qinjie

junhao posing while zijing and qinjie were still tying a pole to the main ones to ensure stability.
the boy on the floor posing is chuping. the rest of us were on a table.

zijing still tying the pole and qinjie adding decorations to the banner

vivien and weilin taking a photo but zijing turned around at the wrong time....

the rest of the canteen transformed into a nightclub

xiuwei resting,zijing tying knots to secure the banner again..

the chairs we got for our stall


the kopitiam at the foyer

some of the stalls at the kopitiam

the whole set-up crew (esther and meiyen left earlier)!! (:
Day 1: 4th July 2008okay,i was not there,but from the pictures i have a fairly good guess what happened.
we left school early today,with lessons ending at 10:10am
a few of us went to get the materials while the rest either went home or went for their make-up chemistry practical.
i knew some of the things that happened cos i received calls from chuping and esther. heh.
at first they could not find half of the flags but found it in the end.
they then needed cloth but zijing had packed some for them. yay!
okay,the point is, even though we had some cock-up our sales are still great!
we sold 118 cups of drinks (:
the table of our stall:

another picture..

the whole stand (:





makan time (:


desiree,opening a can of fruit cocktail


"Mr Soh,come buy our drink..."

aiyo,nothing poisonous inside lah!


Mr Soh eating the cocktail fruit

weilin and vivien drinking from empty vodka bottles.



desiree,all serious in making the drinks

qinjie putting ice-cubes

Ms Zaiton,elaine,jeanette,desiree

friday helpers + Ms Zaiton + samuel

resting after some hard work!!

the skies were darker and the bottles look better under the light.

the stage has devolution dancing on it

the drinks on the table

getting drinks for the guests of honor? probably.

counting money,or looking for change.

Rosy Sensation + AFROdisiac

busy preparing drinks for G.O.H. ?

our stand

the empty canteen


NP boy

Mrs Ismail


ziqin touring the running track toward the fitness corner

listening to ghost stories

some exhibits

guys,dont avoid the camera please

some of the patrons to our stall

another shot of the empty canteen

our table after it was cleared

esther and dorothy

performers going home

desiree and the shining can-opener!

our banner in full view


and posing..

and playing (:
Day 2: 5th July 2008
set-up,done (:

makan time (:

helpers, day 2

the guys look great in their ribbons and the girls in their vests!

Ms Chin with $10

nightclub shot #2
so many people!!

esther's dad buying drinks from our stand

empty bottles = good sales

these sparkling juice bottles have water inside and chuping blew into them to make music. vivien could not make music cos she was blowing the wrong way.


the bruce lee painting outside land and np room,and the flowers on the floor..
how they going to train la.. too colorful already,that place..

招财猫s on stands,all painted by art club

1 招财猫

the lights outside the classrooms on the 1st floor of block D

behind the band members during the epilogue

wenyan and esther in an ice war after the show



yay! a nice fruitful ending to a great 2 days of hard work!
wonderful job,everyone!!
now we shall cheer for everyone!
hip hip hooray!
hip hip hooray!
hip hip hooray!