The Prefects' Pledge
We,the prefects of Yishun Primary School,
Pledge to respect our teachers, honour our elders,
and to help and care for our fellow students.
We shall distinguish right from wrong,
be upright and fair in all our dealings.
We shall strive to be exemplary in our conduct,
perform our duties faithfully,
and maintain the discipline in our school.
teachers' day
8/31/2008 12:49:00 pm
we celebrated teachers' day friday at AMKSS..
the performances were not to my taste,but at least some effort was put in to entertain the teachers..
due to the wet weather all of us had to continue the teachers' day celabrations in the hall..
actually we were supposed to have ACER's (All Children [!?] Exercise Regularly) day exercise.. everyclass except graduating class supposed to send 29 people to run.. so each class in all run 29 rounds around the school,in line with the school's 29th anniversary..
in the end the classes only had to send 5 representatives each to do push-ups on stage..
my class won first prize all thanks to desiree who did 200 push-ups herself.. [!]
weiling and vivien did 92 and 94 respectively,and samuel and shaojie did 143 together.. the number could have been larger,but mr. ong kept criticising samuel's push-ups,and that minused quite a bit from the score..
went back to primary school with Bell, ZhiYun and JiaJun..
JJ made us 3 gals wait for him for very long,even though he didn't go to school that day..
zhiyun was the same as i remembered her.. bell and jj had changed quite abit..
bell not so much than jiajun.. he really lost all his childish roundness (not that he was fat,just not slim). anyway,now he has become a very lanky boy/man/person.
and his sun-colored skin looks great too..
hahas. okay. i'm just describing. no other intentions..
anyway,while we waited at yishun interchange,bell,zy and i kept commenting on how jj could have lost his way in time travel, how it must have been difficult to lock his cave,how he was going to pick up tomato teo and all.. it was hilarious.. (because jiajun was 'barbarian tan' and zhijie was 'tomato' due to his red face... now that i think of it his face turns red easily like joy's.. haha)
at school we met xiaomin outside the gate.. the 5 of us went to see ms chew (P6 form tcher) first. it's such a pity that 司徒老师 had moved to toa payoh and is now teaching in guangyang primary.. she taught the 5 of us since p1..
we then went upstairs back to our classroom..
now it's called 6Peace instead of 6A...

and inside we saw this...

i cannot fathom why people would do this.. but i found a marker and i did some propaganda/advertising.. i wrote on the whiteboard "join AMKSS"... now i feel so bad...
we went to class 6B next.. saw many people inside,some whom i do not know (the guys). shufeng,rachel,shuying,huimin,jasmine were inside with some guys (i only know they are ex-students.. i can remember the faces;not the names)
the 'original' group of 5 went and saw Mrs Lim, our P5 form teacher..
then sinren came,with shuting..
we went for a 'tour' of the school,taking photographs..
the toilets were super cute..

each cubicle has a gnome to 'guard' it..

and you are greeted by a pot of (fake) sunflowers (and a mop,a pail,and a rubbish bin) when you enter...

the quardrangle..

ths school hall...

our school song..

our core values..

our vision and school rules..

children's day drawing since 2001... apparently the hall hasn't changed much in the past 4yrs.. but i havent gone backstage the hall.. should not be so quick to judge..
i miss the backstage days at the hall.. so much fun..

we took photos with each other too.. but i will have to get the photos from rachel..
let me relist all the people i saw..
from my class:
shuting,shufeng,shuying,rachel,monica,sinren,bellrarie,zhiyun,ruzzi'eanne (we call her ruzzie and her twin sister suzzie)
from other classes:
lydia toh,jessica (zy reminded me of their names. and lydia did her hair.. she's still a beauty,anyway)
i see kengadevi sometimes,and fathin and li jie... i dont see li jie's twin brother,nor have i seen manisha ever since she moved to admiralty, rayhanah since she moved to queenstown and so many people...
i especially missed my (ex?) best friends manisha, kumarran, and rayhanah... i hope to see them soon.. but i doubt it.. our school is going to merge with peixin primary.. there will be no place to go back to,other than the new PXPS campus of 7 blocks (even amkss also dun have 7 blocks..) even though they are going to adopt YPS as the school name.. i wonder how the uniforms will look like.. oh well,i can see that next year.but that is not the point..
now that we are going to lose our '1st second home' (the 2nd one being our secondary school) to something more or less foreign.....
i wan to see them again if i can.. maybe in the future... i just have to pray that i do..
and yes,as the pictures show,credits go to bell-bell for the photographs.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
8/28/2008 06:28:00 pm
yep,major weird.
i just woke up about 10 minutes ago,after coming home from my bio prelim paper. ang guess what jolted me awake? read this...
there were a few people sitting at some metal bench-and-table thing near the hall from the teachers' staff room,just at the coridor. there were 2 of the metal bench things,and sitting there were people from my class. weizheng,rosanna,iris,xiaodan,jeanette,joy,clara...
we were discussing/going through some bio stuff,like last minute revision before the exam..
clara asked joy something..and i helped explain it.. but i was at the beginning of my explaination,when everyone was required to go into the hall. i remembered fear/stress from entering the hall....and then i woke up..
i could have dreamed about a bio paper,but i doubt i was that creative.. haha.. totally weird,huh?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
chemistry paper
8/27/2008 04:42:00 pm
today was good and not so good.
good: i can go to school late because my paper starts at 11.30am.
good: the paper was easier than i'd expected...but.......
bad: i was so worried about the paper! i did not manage to memorise all the info well,and
bad: because i'd lost many marks in the chem paper,not to mention i am still so darn clueless about electrolysis..
gah. tomorrow we have the killers -- bio and ss paper together! i swear bio combined with any humanities subject are definate killers.
oh well... back to studying..
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
How to do an Evil Laugh
8/26/2008 09:16:00 pm
feeling evil? here's
How to Do an Evil LaughEver want that perfect evil laugh? Well, you're in luck! By following the directions below, you will be able to impress almost anyone with your new sickeningly evil chuckle of horror.
1.First get in an evil mood. A good way of doing this is to think of evil plots or just generally evil things.
2.Decide whether you want a high-pitched laugh or a low laugh. If you chose to do a low-pitched laugh and you are capable of adding an echo effect, do so.
3.Cock your eyebrows and try and look as mean as possible, while still keeping a mysteriously and creepy 'I know something you don't know' look.
4.Laugh wickedly like "muahhahahaha" or "hehehehehehehehe". If laughing "muhahaha" style, do it from the throat.
5.Accentuate your crazy laugh with wild evil hand movements, you can throw your arms in the air, or another good way is to tap your fingers against each other like Mr. Burns on The Simpsons: Excellent! You can also rub your hands together for the extra effect.
Think of the Joker's laugh in Batman: The Animated Series.
~Don't actually do anything evil, because it may result in turning evil.
~It's not really recomended that you try this in public, unless it appropriete or you're really brave.
taken from:,patsy~ for sharing this with me xD
weizheng's b-day
8/26/2008 09:06:00 pm
today is weizheng's b'day.
we gave him a fake bread in a plastic bag,and he actually bit into it, exclaiming that "it tastes horrendously bitter" afterwards.
wenyan,audrey,xiaodan and some others were laughing when he ate (or at least try to eat) the fake bread,already in on the joke. me,esther,dorothy and meiyen found out later,but we had laughed with weizheng when he discovered it.
like xiaodan said, "only someone who eats bread will fall for it. i wont.." and weizheng interrupted "because you never eat bread in the first place"
it was absolutely hilarious. a great way to relax before the exam.
after the english compre we had about an hour of break.
we studied maths outside the hall under the tables with the umbrellas.
just about a good half hour before the 2nd paper started,weizheng began inspecting his gifts.. we played with them (and him). and xiaodan took a picture of his octopus soft toy (i helped hold it in place)
maths was horrid. i totally just stone-d there for the first hour of the exams,trying to figure out how to do the questions.
and in the end i tried to do everything but of course i had many of them wrong.
ms lee will
so kill me when we go through the papers.
Monday, August 25, 2008
maths again~
8/25/2008 12:06:00 pm
feels like i keep talking about maths..
not that i mind,but i must be boring those ppl reading my blog. (haha. like there are ppl who come here that often in the first place)
i'm sure i will fail my a maths test.. get the results then i sure wun get this expression:

because i already expected to get poor result..
most probably i will be lidat at myself..

then i will go 'rawgh~~!!'

and then i will be upset and cry. most probably.

but i will be able to calm down after i eat some food. something i like...

okay. maybe not as much as the guy above,but still.
and then i shall chiong more for maths, however much i dislike it..

however much i am tired..

however much i want to sleep

i shall endure and study hard!

and i will work towards my goals!!

okay. crapping over. hee hee [:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
8/24/2008 11:28:00 am

i finally understood what stephenie meyer had meant when she said that reading maths is harder than doing maths...
its so darn dry!! just like how human geog is so dry to me..
speaking of geog... i think friday that geog test i will fail... i didnt do that 8mark question for the forest management,and i only wrote 2 points for the other 8mark question on how goverments of different countries help their own citizens to get out of poverty.
plus,a LOT of my words are just messy scrawls.. i hope the teacher(s) who mark my papers are able to decipher my handwriting...
oh well.. back to reading maths...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
8/23/2008 02:24:00 pm
really. i have no idea what to say. (no point in this post,then,you say?)
but i have to get things off my chest..
some things are just really hard to think about,and even harder to put in words.
...and some things cannot be said,be told to anyone,even if just abit.
not to mention that there are obviously things that cannot be done.
sometimes,i really wish that people can spend time to understand each other,maybe just a bit more. but i also know that we cant have all the time in the world...
gah. type anymore of this and i will fall back into my 'emo' state again.
man,do i sound silly.
Friday, August 22, 2008
8/22/2008 04:25:00 pm

this picture is from the manga "1/2 Prince". i dont know his/her name yet,but i shall wait to find out!!
nowadays... there is less and less time for me to read anything 'proper' other than those boring textbooks and notes...
being a graduating student really sucks..
how i miss reading those storybooks...
i cant wait to buy Breaking Dawn too,but i have to be patient. at least until the end of this year.
then i can go on to plan the slumber party i want,and go shopping with esther, meiyen, dorothy, xinli, and whoever else..
and when the rest of the class is at the hotel for Prom, we'll be shopping.
that's gotta be nice.
even though i am stuck with reading manga online, (even then,i dont have much time to read them,either) i shall prevail in my efforts to do my best for my O's.
i shall endure.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
maths class
8/19/2008 08:07:00 pm
just yesterday, ms lee had asked for a post-it from me.
i had given it to her,and her comment was that i was like doraemon.
“很像小叮当这样,有八宝袋。” were more of her exact words.
i remember the times when she would use to borrow a pencil, a stapler or whatever stationery she needed but did not have in her pencil case at that moment.
mingliang would pretend to pull up metal shutters in front of me, and then remove various items from my pencil case, reciting "bookshop又开门了" simultaneously. after which,he would gesture with his right hand from ms lee toward my table, and she would be infuriated (irritated,more like) and cast him angered looks. it was hilarious. i didnt mind lending me lee my stuff,but mingliang had to make a joke out of it. he stopped after some time,though..
and yesterday,ms lee had mistaken jieying as me.. she was looking at jieying and said "zijing! zijing! help me to give this out!" when she was staring at jieying. then she realised her mistake and apologised for it.
do the 2 of us really look so much the same? for
4years the 2 of us had been mistaken for each other,and we would then greet each other with our original names.
zijing: hi,zijing! *to jieying*
jieying: ....dont want la...haha (looks at zijing and smiles..)
and so we will laugh and laugh.
now that i think of it,i dont have a proper photograph taken with jieying.
i shall go take one with her soon.
but seriously. i love my maths class. i am so going to miss all my teachers and friends so much.
in the meantime...
take a look at this picture.. do the girls look alike? (okay,so i took a photo of a photo and i edited it with photoshop,but that is not the point at this moment)

oral examinations
8/19/2008 05:17:00 pm
i swear they are born to torture people.
so i have a problem with coherency,but so what?
i know i get so silly frightened of those non-smiling teachers they call examiners. i cant help it at all..
and it just sucks that i have to lie about some of the things they ask during the conversation part.
i'm such a terrible liar to begin with; and i dont like to lie, either.
the story i cooked up was so horribly feeble and bland. it lacked details,to begin with, and its got a stupid 'happy ending'. and i doubt my story was very original, either.
now i feel so wretched inside... bah.........!!!!!!!!!!!
worse was that one of the female examiners, (one wore a long-sleeved qipao,) was actually closing her eyes as she listened to me talk.
okay, i do admit my atempt at lying was extremely dry, but you could at least listen!!
that was so rude of you. imagine i slept whilst you talked to me. gah.
you faked no interest in whatever i was blabbering about at all.
i must say i agree with my class to give examiners a students' report on things they should not do (like not even feigning interest in students' blabbering)
moral of the story? try getting sick on verbal diarrhoea just before the oral examinations.
so there. ranting over.
gosh i feel so much better now that that's outta my system.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Two Choices in Life
8/17/2008 07:30:00 pm
What would you do?
You make the choice.
Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one.
Read it anyway.
My question is: Would you have made the same choice?
At a fundraising dinner for aschool that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended.
After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: 'When not interfered with by outside influences,everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay,cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?'
The audience was stilled by the query.
The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, physically and mentally handicapped comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.'
Then he told the following story:
Shay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked,'Do you think they'll let me play?'
Shay's father knew that mostof the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team,but the father also understood that if his son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps.
Shay's father approached one of theboys on the field and asked (not expecting much) if Shay could play.
The boy looked around for guidance and said, 'We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning.'
Shay struggled over to the team's bench and, with a broad smile, put on a team shirt.
His Father watched with a small tear in his eye and warmth in his heart. The boys saw the father's joy at his son being accepted.
In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs but was still behind by three.
In the top of the ninth inning, Shay put on a glove and played in the right field. Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously ecstatic just to be in the game and on the field, grinning from ear to ear as his father waved to him from the stands.
In the bottom of the ninth inning, Shay's team scored again. Now, with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on baseand Shay was scheduled to be next at bat.
At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?
Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was all but impossible because Shay didn't even know how to hold the bat properly, much less connect with the ball.
However, as Shay stepped up to the plate, the pitcher, recognizing that the other team was putting winning aside for this moment in Shay's life, moved in a few steps to lob the ball in softly so Shay could at least make contact.
The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed. The pitcher again took a few steps forward to toss the ball softly towards Shay. As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow groundball right back to the pitcher.
The game would now be over.
The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman. Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game.
Instead, the pitcher threw the ballright over the first baseman's head, out of reach of all teammates. Everyone from the stands and both teams started yelling, 'Shay,run to first! Run to first!'
Never in his life had Shay ever run that far, but he made it to first base. He scampered down the baseline,wide-eyed and startled.
Everyone yelled, 'Run to second,run to second!'
Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second,gleaming and struggling to make it to the base.
By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the right fielder had the ball...
The smallest guy on their team who now had his first chance to be the hero for his team.
He could have thrown the ball to the second-baseman forthe tag, but he understood the pitcher's intentions so he, too, intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third-baseman's head.
Shay ran toward third base deliriously as the runners ahead ofhim circled the bases toward home.
All were screaming, 'Shay, Shay, Shay, all the way, Shay!'
Shay reached third base because the opposing shortstop ran to help him by turning him in the direction of third base, and shouted, 'Run to third! Shay, run to third!'
As Shay rounded third, the boysfrom both teams, and the spectators, were on their feet screaming,'Shay, run home! Run home!'
Shay ran to home, stepped on the plate, and was cheered as the hero who hit the grand slam and won the game for his team.
'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.
Shay didn't make it to another summer.
He died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making his father so happy, and coming home and seeing his Mother tearfully embrace her little hero of the day!
A wise man once said, "Every society is judged by how it treats it's least fortunate amongst them."
Saturday, August 16, 2008
8/16/2008 12:14:00 pm
i think the rainy season is coming to us early.. its just been raining these few weeks..
and here i was,thinking that it would be a great day today...maybe i could have gone play badminton with my brother (i think he would play with me if i asked nicely)..
but no,a thunderstorm had to hit. it just came suddenly,when the sun was all bright and high up in the sky.. now its all obscured by thunderclouds..
the thunder blares into my ears,loud and frightening..
i am trying to overcome my recent fear of them (okay,so it probably has been a few years that i am afraid of them) and i believe i can succeed. because trying to run away from this thing is really really silly.. scared of thunder. hah. just like a child. i am no child. not that i am pretty much grown up myself,but still.
i shall get over it. and a bridge shall be built in place of a fear.
on the other hand,since i no longer have my phone,i shall put pictures from the net on my posts until i can get photos from my classmates or otherwise.
here's one for today...

Friday, August 15, 2008
8/15/2008 11:00:00 pm
just finished my HCL prelims today..
the chinese papers were not too bad.. but were bad enough.. i barely managed to finish both papers.....which means i'd have to write faster during my other subjects' prelims..
oh well. 1 down, 8 to go..
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Breaking Dawn
8/13/2008 08:20:00 pm
yes,a formal announcement that i have,finally,finished Breaking Dawn.
okay,so i skipped most of the jake parts,but hey,i am going to re-read the whole thing again,once i get my hands on a hardcover book of it.
but now i have no more time for less-essentials, essential as they are to my life.
my prelims start tomorrow,as with all those sec4 express class students who are taking higher mother tongue.
and next thursday,will be the start of our more 'official' prelims. (again,for the sec4e only; the sec5s had theirs,i heard.)
i sincerely wish everyone the best of luck,though no one else would see this. (most probably)
so,deviating a little...
i am now deliberating whether i like Eclipse or Breaking Dawn best.
maybe i love them both equally. then again,the series itself is wonderful.
and now i have 4 more things to wait for, 3 of which sooner than the last.
1st of all,i would only have to wait until next week to get my hands on Breaking Dawn,the book. (not the pdf. the pdf was excruciatingly difficult to read,and i cant possibly take my laptop with me everywhere i went. besides,the battery would run out..)
2nd,the twilight movie. so i had to wait till 12December2008. but who cared as long as it was coming? (i hope it is coming. it must come. please let it come to singapore.) just a few more months... and the wait will be over. i can survive that.
3rd,the twilight saga guide book,complete with maps,biographies (almost),and everything we have to know about the vampires and their bizzare world. that one comes 30December. okay,so maybe we have to wait longer since we are in singapore. that would mean i can only get it next year. i could survive,too.
last of all,and i hope stephenie is still planning on publishing it,Midnight Sun -- Edward's version of Twilight.
i shall patiently await for these fabulous things.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
8/12/2008 10:00:00 pm
i'm sick. not in the literal sense of the word. okay,maybe a little. i got caught in the drizzle again,and my cough (from heaven knows how long ago it started) got worse. its nothing. that's the story of my life. no biggie.
i'm sick,actually,of many things that are happening around me. its like everything is too loud, too... i suppose
unrestrained can be used...
but,maybe its just the weather that's getting me down..
but i like the smell of the air after the rain. dry,cool,and somehow
i like how the breezy gust plays with my hair,though it messes up my already forever-unkempt hair;
i like how the rain makes shiny rainbow-colored puddles on the pavements,though they always make me fall.
rain is good,but too much of it, and i will be sick of it. sick from it.
i hope mom's cough meds work. so far they do.. i'm feeling drowsy already.. but the terrible cough is still there..
still... so much for 'posting lesser' and 'use the computer lesser' and 'study more'.
i practically slacked off the last 3 days.
and yes,on friday there were 2 good things i had forgotten to mention.
1. Sir Izuan had come to see us like he said (well,more of a certain
someone,but still)
2. i had finally managed to get some (maybe not well-deserved,but still) rest.
its time to work even harder,harder than i ever had done in my life thus far.
and oh yes,i do find my recent... experiment.. rather feasible.
for me,at least.
i didnt get the idea myself; i'd copied it off
twilight,but it works,after my experimentation,nontheless.
yes,blasting loud music into one's ears is a good way to tune things outand i find songs with fast tempo work best,as well as being in a bus full of people who could be watching your every move in case you decide to go ku-koo at the wrong moment.
of course,this works just for me.
ah,well. back to reading Breaking Dawn.
brilliant me had just downloaded it off Limewire yesterday night.
i hope to finish it soon.
yifang and dorothy, jiayous for reading the saga! read faster! ha ha.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
something fun..
8/10/2008 08:56:00 pm
got this from yiling's blog...
what does your name mean??
A : You like to drink.
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to eat.
E : You like to play with cat.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and good looks.
I : Easy to be with.
J : People Adore you.
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Everyone loves you.
M : Best kisser ever.
N : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : You're loyal to those you love.
S : Fuckin crazy.
T : Awesome kisser.
V : Awesome in bed
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You love sports.
Y : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for.
Z : Always ready.
and so... mine means.....
Z : Always ready.I : Easy to be with.J : People Adore you.I : Easy to be with.N : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for.G : You never let people tell you what to do.huh. doesnt tell much,but its fun to share,anyway.
thanks,yiling (:
8/10/2008 06:34:00 pm

Ikeuchi family,with Asou Haruto
recently, i've watched this drama series named "1 Litre of Tears"
it is a touching story based on the life of a girl named Kitou Aya,who had acquired Spinocerebellar Ataxia, which, for unknown reasons, the spinal cord and the cerebellum degenerates. the are many forms of Spinocerebellar Ataxia,but the general signs are that the patient retains his/her full mental capacity, but loses physical control.
Aya started with imbalance problems,then progressively,she slowly lost the ability to control her legs and became bed-ridden. she could write,but slowly she could not do so, and she chokes easily. the disease remains uncurable even now.
it actually hurts to see her try so hard (in the drama).
she's so positive, overlooking the glances tossed in her direction due to her disease, and the many horrible remarks.
she had written in her diary:
"it was great to look at them work to fold 1000 paper cranes, but i'd rather they said 'dont go,Aya.' " a few days before she was due to transfer to disability school.
Aya had also written:
"when i place my hands on my chest, 'doki doki, doki doki', it feels great to be alive!"
*doki is the sound of heartbeat,the way japanese put it.
all in all, a definate must-watch!
i think i must have cried 1 litre of tears watching the drama.. ha ha.
i even finished the series within the week! (yes,i know. i'm shocked,too.)
and now,i think that maybe i have to put more into my life than it is now.
i had wanted to help poeple,but after i watched the drama,i am more convinced about my future career path, and that i have to do things as though they are the last time i am doing them. as the saying goes, "Live like you would die tomorrow, Dream like you would live forever."
i believe Aya had held true to her course of helping others.
i will, as well, work toward my own goals.
and i will do my best!
wonderful week (:
8/10/2008 01:09:00 pm
like i stated,this has all in all,been a wonderful week.
okay. so i was upset last weekend. so esther was sick on monday and had to go home in the middle of the morning (before math class). so i didnt get the book i wanted to buy.
but that's okay.
it is only now,that i truly find that i am blissful, and very childish,really.
childish,because,i still whine about things i want but are not able to get.
but blissful,regardless,that i have such great friends in my life who were -are- willing to accept me for who i am,no matter how tactless and self-conscious and self-centered i am. i truly am thankful for all you guys have done for me, these heaven-sent angels who have brightened up my life, and cheered me up when i was down.
Dewi,thanks for offering to lend me your water bottle to tackle the kid -girl,excuse me- with the 2 copies of Breaking Dawn.
Esther and KoonLing,thanks for cheering me up. Dewi,you too.
and monday,all the ex-UG heads talked to their respective CCAs. according to QinJie the UG stuff is ok le,just that the individual CCA stuff still settling.. and so,we did not have to be angry at them at all. monday, sergeant ChunYin came and talked us into going to watch their training. it was an interesting 'illegal gathering' there at the 4/5 spiral stairway. QinJie argued -and was mad,somewhat,that we didnt back him up- but all (with the exception of BB) UG heads went for their NDP training afterward. and so the problem was settled. for now.
no point to dwell on it,ne?
tuesday was uneventful. i know,i whined a lot about not getting Breaking Dawn,but i told myself to wait for it,and so i shall.
wednesday was not so wonderful. they had public caning in school. these 3 malay boys stole stuff from the school,along with 4 others. they sold these items at very low prices,i'd heard. they did not seem repentant,though,after the beating they were each given. the school had allowed us to bow down our heads so as to not look,but i had forced myself to look at them while they were being caned,though i knew i would cry. which i did,of course. i had no idea why i did cry,though i had anticipated it.. strange,considering the boys deserved their punishment... but i had forced myself to look since that was the purpose of a public caning. i had forced myself to be brave,but the traitor tears fell out of my eyes,flowing down my face. i had wiped them off. it was lucky nobody had seen them.
PE lesson was fun. Mdm Yau had to attend a course (and she was dressed exceptionally well for that) and so we had free games. we had a GUYS vs GIRLS captain's ball match with 7 people (maybe it was 6,i cant remember) in each team. we were not quite sure who won,but it was a great game! it had been long since i've been running around for an hour playing ball. exercise feels great. i swear i would join some exercise CCA in poly. maybe even dance. ha ha.
we did research work for english,as we had a podcast session thursday with guests visiting our lesson. we used the laptops in the school library,and it was only then had i found out they kept laptops in the school library for loan to students. well,better to know nw than to never know about it.
we did research on this guy named Manuel Uribe Garza (whom i named MUG), who was the world's fattest man, and now the world's greatest loser--of weight.
they had another training wednesday afternoon. i went to look,and to help the Color Party with their training. there was great improvement,but as always, there was room for improvement.
the guides did a great job too.
thursday,we did our podcast. our 'secret' guests had not come,after all. and since we did not finish our podcast in english,we did them during english EC. we went blog-hopping afterward,and we (jertaime,joy,jieying, and i,) left tags on some blogs. here's what we left on mine.
MUG: hey yo man! how are yo doin'? (joy acting 'american')
Claudia: I LOVE MUG! to bits and pieces! (okay,so joy typed this for jieying)
Claudia: he isnt even bits and pieces...he is 1 big.............. (and so jieying typed this after zj said he is actually not many pieces but 1 big piece,laughing. i'm sorry, mr. manuel.)
Claudia: i shall be polite!=)) (because making a rib at people is rude)
D.J. : Claudia and mug sure have affinity!!!!! interviewer: *watches the scene and laughs her head off* D.J. : *bends down and picks up the head* (zj typed this for joy and jieying)
interviewer: ouch, my head. put it back on my shoulders please. tyty!! (: *LOL*okay. on the whole a very stupid and funny conversation and role-playing. but fun nonetheless! ha ha.
waited at the foyer near the art tables with esther,rosanna,audrey and elaine for xiaodan to come so we can go to the tuition teacher's house together. they had their chem tuition first from 5-7,while zj did her trig homework (but still havent finished it even till today) in the kitchen with the dog,milo.
milo has to be one of the most hyper dogs i've ever seen,after kristy. even kris has toned down abit now. so maybe milo is young. i'll have to ask esther his age... i think she told me once... hmm~ oh,well.
i reached home at 10plus,all tired from physics tuition. esther had eaten my supposed lunch for dinner,cos i wasnt hungry. our teacher, a very beautiful lady, was rather envious. and yes, i love you,mom. thanks for your delicious food everyday,amongst all the other things you have done for me.
ms zaiton did a completely cool thing for us today,too. mr tan had asked form teachers to leave behind in the hall those students who did not have good results,those who were still in 'play-mode',those who had not yet 'woken up', for a serious scolding session,designed to shame students into studying and doing their best for their future.
ms zaiton had walked down the aisle and stared at everyone with calculating glares.
but she had gone up to mr tan and requested he let the whole class go,and with good grace he agreed,though a few of us did not receive good results for the term tests.
of course,the whole class cheered. it was the normal reaction. but ms zaiton is still cool.
she did,however,give us a talk friday morning about how we should study hard too. how some of us need to revise our studying habits for maximum output. i believe i will do my best.
friday was the big day!
the NDP rehearsal was ok. there were many cock-ups (though i think it was only us the sec 4s who did the scrutiny)
Connect Singapore event later on was fun. okay. 'fun' was an understatement.
i have pictures,but i cant post them cause my phone.... oh well. less on that and more on the event.
okay,so the sec 4E had to stand from the Salvation Army HQ to block 259. i had thought we were going to join hands with Pierce Sec,as we were told during the briefing,but in the end we we connected to Catholic High instead. Marcus was all excited. he was all "我要跟Cat. High的人牵手,不要跟我抢!"
it was so cute. what was cuter was that later,marcus had taken a photo with a sign board 'cause the lady in the ad. was pretty. the boy from Cat. High, Anson,was a kawaii boy. he had verhemently refused to take photographs with Marcus. of course,his peers,my peers,and the teachers of both schools had laughed when we tried to convince the boy to do so. he kept covering his face whenever any of us wanted to take photographs.
in the end he conceeded with poor grace. JunHao was triumph when he got the photograph.
we sang many national day songs -the choruses,mostly- as we held hands,my classmates and i.
we even sang "Happy Birthday to Singapore" at the top of our voices,and waved enthusiastically as commuters in buses passed by. some waved back;others looked at us,incredulous. we even sang on the way back to school,random songs such as Father Abraham, Elmo Song, Barney song, Doraemon theme song, Hi5 song, LOVE song of Hi5, and many more. (though this part,only some of us did the singing. actually,most of the guys and me, then later on audrey and esther)
i know,juliana and vanessa and the red cross kids. my class is kinda crazy. but,oh,well. if we were happy,who cared what others thought?
we went back to the school hall later on. chuping had said, "we are in school already,stop singing!" and so we stopped. our last song before entering the school was Father Abraham, while we sang Elmo Song while walking to the school hall from the front gate.
ms zaiton had blamed kanneth -- Father Abraham (the song) was stuck in her mind.
all of us went home with smiles on our faces.
ah~ i am missing 4/5 already... and we haven't even graduated!
granted,i have my opinions about some of my classmates (i shall keep that to myself,thank you very much),but it is also because i have these wonderful people as my classmates that i am able to experience such a great secondary school life. i shall not complain about these people anymore. i'll try.
saturday and sunday were my resting days... i practically slept, woke up and ate, then went back to sleep again. i'd better start work,or i'm going to fall behind,and i know i do not want that to happen again.
i will
not get bad results again. and i
will work hard for it.
good luck to everyone studying for the tests.
Monday, August 04, 2008
8/04/2008 09:10:00 pm
today is the official worldwide release of the much coveted book, Breaking Dawn.
it is out--and out of stock. all over singaore!
the next time the book comes will be in exactly 2weeks, 18August2008.
it will be a long wait. 2 more mondays to go.
i can survive this.
i just hope the hardcover version is out,not the paperback version.
1 thing i was angry about was that this girl had 2 copies of Breaking Dawn when i paid for VK bk7 at J8 popular.
oh well. since i was going to collect the Twilight saga, i'd better buy the hardcover version of the book.
i pray 2 weeks pass quickly.
2 weeks are generous.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
8/02/2008 11:38:00 pm
i swear! blaring music into my ears is doing nothing to cure my irritation. plus,it adds to my headache.
also i'll like to add that i wont be blogging so much le. exams round the corner and stuff..
last of all,
1. yongbang,take care of your injured hand
2. siqi,take care of your injured toe
3. sam,cheer up (:
4. sec 4s (ex UG-ians who went for CUGC) relax,breathe. we cant possibly have too much a hold on them.
5. thanks, qinjie.
flare of resentment
8/02/2008 10:30:00 pm
i dont see a point in a lot of things anymore.
QinJie, i really wish i can have your positive attitude and thinking. but i just cant.
there are only so many things that ever go our way. maybe i'm an obstinate old fool,but i cannot change my thinking as quickly as you did.
i'm very upset about CUGC. i'm so upset,i have so many things to say,that i cannot (and will not) elaborate here because they are so wrong for so many people to hear.
i got so much to say that i dunno what to say liao lah.
even sir izuan was so mad he left early. he was
never this upset before,i swear.
it didnt help that many of us were already fed up since friday night.
during the campfire was the time that really got us all "riled up". we knew we were not invited to see their campfire,but we went anyway,all thick-skinned. and then the sec *ahem's* attitude is so sh*t la. they expect us to be there,but never asked us to go,
taking us sec 4s for granted.
need us,then very nice to us, dont need us,we're treated worse than sh*t!
its like we're not there! totally invisible to y'all!
campfire was a horrible time.
that's why we didnt play the bomb-game.
"sec 4 bomb,sec 4 bomb,sec 4 eat the stupid bomb!"
but we tried to be high though we were _________.
we tried. we really did.
and then we see all you people just sitting there,letting the cadets to be high by themselves and you all chatting all through the campfire.
QinJie was all, "hey,since we're here just lets be high!"
and Barrie said, "this is our last campfire."
and so Sam said, "yeah,last campfire! lets be high!'
but the mood is not there la.
all i can say is, you guys have to lead by example. all you people are not even bonded together! so many prejudices against other CCAs! please,people! you have to work together or UG will die.
i'm just so upset i cannot continue anymore.
last of all i want a time to be thankful to a great person (out of the many i know/heard of) by the name of Stephenie Meyer.
Breaking Dawn is officially released! hoorah! i cant wait to get my hands on it monday afternoon after school.