yes,i hate bugs.
more like terrified of them. just minutes ago,a beetle was standing (climbing,clutching,whatever.) on my fringe (which is why i saw it).
of course,my immediate reaction was to scream and i tried to shake it off. it probably has hooks at the base of its feet.... it wont come off. and so i pulled it off my hair using my blanket nad the bug stuck onto it. i shook the bug off afterward,and now its imprisoned under the cover of the Ferrero Roche chocolate box.
note to self: close the frickin' window at night.
Jigoku Shoujo Season 3!!
9/24/2008 06:48:00 pm

just when i thought Season 2 was over!!
i saw this news on a forum about the 3rd season of Jogoku Shoujo!!
such a nice anime!! yay!
i wonder if Ai will continue to be the Jigoku Shoujo,or if the season will tell about the lives of Wanyuudo, Ren, and Hone-onna after their Mistress died in season...
hopefully Ai still survives... (though its highly doubted)
i cant wait for the anime though... hope it gets released soon!!
check this site for some info:
Sunday, September 21, 2008
9/21/2008 09:08:00 pm
my prelims results are horrible so i wont say more about them in case i get all emo again.
o levels must get L1R5 <15>tiring fun.
mr ong was keep joking with us about our 'celebrity teacher' mdm yau... (because she acted as 'crystal' in the tv series Beach Ball Babes. she looks great! too bad i missed it.. haha~)
and we had 'hell training' with him... but the training session was fun...
now i have something to modify my to-be exercise regime to...
we were supposed to have free games after the training but mr ong made us do frisbee...
he claims: "i'm not lying to you! i just changed my mind.."
not lying at all. right.
but frisbee session was fun. my group (me,junhao,hongye,dor,teo,yen,clara) played qinjie's team (qinjie,cp,jieying,joy,jertaime) after some practice time.
clara 'turned traitor' and joined their group because of the uneven groupings.. we were supposed to follow the rules but in the end everybody just dropped the frisbee so many times that mr ong said there was no need to change possession to the other team anymore.
next week we shall play better so we can enjoy the game more... good luck,everyone!!
thursday was super hilarious.. we keep playing games in class..
bio lesson mrs veda not here,we played pictionary.
chinese class laoda not here we played 2 different action games.
the first one was that we have to do a certain 5 times and not get caught by our fellow friends..
the second one was to have a paper stuck on our foreheads and other people have trick us into doing the actions written on those papers.
we win when we manage to do the action on the paper for 5times (game#1) and if we dont do the action on our paper and is the 'last one alive' (game#2)
so much fun watching and playing.. then its like got 7 ppl play and the rest of the class come watch their 'showdown'... even got friends from other classes who come to watch...
so fun~!!
saturday....went walk walk at tampines mall and century square with xinli.. she bought a manga by the name os Rust Blaster... its by Toboso Yana, and is about some vampires saving the world... (1book fin.)
also saw Brisingr at Times bookstore.. i so wish to read it but have to concentrate on the o's!!
just now.. went for religious class... finally got to know the 2 'new teens' better... weiliang and jiaming are very friendly people... and i totally admired jiaming and his words.. they were inspiring,coming from a 13year-old.. (respect!! *glittery eyed*)
i didnt even have similar thoughts when i was his age...
i'd bet he'll be a great person in the religion in the years to come...
oh well.. that's all for now... gotta go back to my homework.. they're calling out to me...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
9/14/2008 07:26:00 pm
i went to and i saw this...
Firstly a note about Vampire Knight since many people are asking us about it, I thought I'd just mention it here. The next chapter of Vampire (43) does not get published until September 24th. There was no chapter for it published in August and so if you were waiting for it, you'll have to wait a bit longer.
why!! *cry cry cry* to think i was waiting so long,so enthusiatically for it!!
now i shall do sit in a corner and trace circles with my fingers...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Live Action (100th post 'celebration' theme)
9/13/2008 09:16:00 pm
wahaha! 100th post dedicated to this kind of thing.. i am going to talk about Live Action drama series..
i personally feel that these Live Action versions of the anime/manga are actually quite good,what with the special effects and all.
also,they are quite close to the anime/manga versions from which they are made...
i watched 2 shows today,slacking again.. i'll probably go watch some other one soon,but first let me talk about this...
Shinigami no Ballad. Momo the Girl God of Death
(P/S: Daniel is acted by a girl,and is super cute xD)
Prince of Tennis (テニスの王子様)
Ryoma Echizen, a tennis prodigy, attends Seishun Academy Middle School (Seishun Gakuen), or Seigaku in short, a school famous for its strong tennis club and talented players. Ryoma quickly defeats numerous upperclassmen shortly after entrance to secure himself a spot on the regulars team.
Prince of Tennis posters.....

this guy here is Atobe... in the anime/manga his hair is gray/sliver.... nice pose.. xD
this one here, is Kunimitsu Tezuka,the Team Captain of Seigaku Team.. at first glance he looks like the anime/manga version of this character.. now still quite alike.. hahaha.. another 'in action' pose~!! nice~
Team Seigaku shot#1
Team Seigaku Shot#2
Team Seigaku shot#3 (looks most formal to me)
Team Seigaku and Team Hyotei and Nanjiro (man in black japanese clothing)

well,i had fun watching these 2 shows.. too bad the series are not completed.. maybe i should go watch Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon later.. hahahaha..
oh,wait. last of all,since tomorrow's the big day....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
after prelims....
9/11/2008 09:33:00 pm
today is such a boring day.. i practically just sat in front of my lappie the whole day...
i watched 7 episodes of Jigoku Shoujo Live Action.. have to wait till episode 12 comes out... i hope it does soon...
and then i watched L: change the WorLd
watch and cry at the same time.. hahaha.. i agree with the good guys and the bad guys lor.. thought of eradicating ppl to 'save the earth' but of course it wrong because people cry when their loved ones die,so its wrong to kill people.
so,to quote L...
"No matter how gifted,you alone cannot save the world."
" 'Near' is a good name.... To save anyone,you have to be near them...."
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
dreaming once again...
9/09/2008 08:26:00 pm
in sequence of my dream....
ZombieTo dream that you are a zombie, denotes that you are physically and/or emotionally detached from people and situations that are currently surrounding you. You are out of touch.
ForestTo dream that you are strolling through a forest, indicates that your hardships will pay off and lead to success and prosperity.
To dream that you are lost in a dense forest, signifies that you are searching through your unconscious for a better.
WoodsTo see the woods in your dream, represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. Alternatively, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. You may be discovering your instinctual nature.
To see dried up, dying woods in your dream, suggests that there is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved. You may also be overwhelmed with a problem or issue.
SwampTo see a swamp in your dream, symbolizes aspects of yourself that are repressed and dark.
To dream that you are walking through a swampy area, foretells that you will be find yourself in an adverse situation. Disappointments in love may also be implied from this symbol. You will suffer much displeasure from unwise conduct of those around you. On a less negative note, walking through a swamp, denotes that you will experience prosperity and pleasure, but through dangerous and intriguing means.
Tunnel To dream that you are going through a tunnel, is a bad omen signaling failures in love and in business.
FingersTo see your fingers in you dream, symbolizes physical and mental dexterity. They indicate manipulation, action and non-verbal communication
To dream that a dog bites your on the leg, suggests that you have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals.
WolfTo see a wolf in your dream, symbolizes beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are able to keep your composure in a variety of social situations and can blend in with any situation with ease and grace. You are a loner by choice. Negatively, it represents hostility and aggression. It may also reflect an uncontrollable force or situation in your life. In particular, if the wolf is white, then it signifies valor and victory. You have the ability to see the light even in your darkest hours.
To dream that you kill a wolf, indicates betrayal and secrets revealed.
BlackBlack symbolizes the unknown, unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, hate or malice.
BrownBrown denotes worldliness, practicality, domestic and physical comfort, conservatism, and a materialistic character. Brown also represents the ground and earth.
ChildrenTo see children in your dream, signifies your own childlike qualities or a retreat back to a childlike state. It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. Perhaps there is something that you need to see grow and nurtured.
WomanTo see a woman in your dream, represents nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love. It refers to your own female aspects or may also represent your mother. Alternatively, it may indicate temptation and guilt. If you know the woman, then it may symbolize the concerns and feelings you have about her.
i dreamt i was killing zombies. in this foresty/swampy/marshy place. they chase me/i lured them. we go through a tunnel. they die in the sun. they get burnt to ashes.
the scene suddenly (?) changes to the block of flats near my house. the zombies disappear/merge into the block of flats,some fingers turned to concrete on the wall. i then walked into the lift at my house,only to have a brown/black dog-wolf creature attack me and bit my leg. a child entered later,after witnessing me chasing/hitting/attacking the dog-wolf thing away,injured it,probably. i pressed the wrong floor for him to exit (which he did) and a woman entered afterward...all in all,this sounds like a very bad dream to have... all the signs of bad things... hahaha..
but i do have some (okay,i can only think of ONE right now) problem i havent solved yet,and i know that i dont (really?) want anything to continue from that situation. maybe its time i changed the course of things... hmm~~
well,like they said,it's up to you to believe it.
credits,once more,to
Monday, September 08, 2008
sept hols....
9/08/2008 10:09:00 pm
yep. i'd definately been slacking. not a good sign,that... but i did study,even if a bit.
oh well.. o levels in 6 more weeks.. have to work harder!!!
thunderstorm here now.. the thunder blaring in my ears... frightening,yes,but now i'm thinking i'm really silly... haha.. i'll virtually crouch into a ball-shaped person (!?!?) when i see lightning.. even though that helps (it could be to late) prevent getting an electric shock.....
oh well. guess i'm just silly. haha.. 2 more papers to go and the prelims are done (:
Thursday, September 04, 2008
of dreams again..
9/04/2008 10:57:00 pm
To see a fiend in your dream, signifies reckless living, loose morals and a blackened reputation. this means i live a reckless life w/ poor reputation? hmmm...
9/04/2008 04:40:00 pm
illness is something which causes pain to both the patients and their loved ones.
illness is something that brings unhappiness.
illness is something that takes away the lives of many people.
a month from now,we (that is to say,my family and i) will have the results on the analysis of my dad's tumor (and whatever is inside -- the cells and whatnot)
i hope the results will show that everything is okay.
i hope that daddy will be okay,because he says the tumor had hurt..
if it were bad news.....well.....................
i'm crossing my fingers and praying very hard everyday!!
(nothing will happen. everything will be okay. i must believe in this so i can carry on properly.)
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
9/03/2008 01:20:00 pm
is it really that we will dream about whatever our minds were troubled over?
i swear i'd never thought about some of the stuff that appeared in my dreams.. but they did appear in my dreams... so was i subconsciously thinking about some of these stuff?
i dreamt i was talking to koonling about shoes and socks in the school parade square,amongst some weird ones... going to sentosa..playing go-kart... amksian family day/fund fiesta and whole class have to participate in some relay thing (at sentosa/pasir ris park)....and so many more!!!
i think either my head is trying to tell me that i should get something done,or maybe i ate too much for dinner.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
oh my..
9/02/2008 07:04:00 pm
it was not until a few (maybe less than 2) hours that i had found out that my father had gone for a surgery this morning to remove a certain flesh tumor on his chest..
and they couldn't stitch the wound up because he will get an infection (or so my mother had told me). now he has this big bandage plastered onto his chest.
i hope daddy gets well soon..
i think i am a failure of a duaghter.. how is it that my father can
be so sick be not well and i did not find out??
moral of story? take the inititive to find things out
next time.
Monday, September 01, 2008
twilight movie
9/01/2008 09:38:00 pm
9/01/2008 07:43:00 pm
okay,okay! i know i'm supposed to study;its the prelims and all...
but here i am,reading manga online.. Boy Princess and Claymore are really interesting manga! and now i am reading X..
i want to watch BLEACH too,amongst other anime and drama.. sigh~ once again,i repeat: being a graduating student sucks big time.
i am now still waiting to buy books . some are out, for example:
The Host, Breaking Dawn, Prom Nights from Hell, The Rose Labyrinth, Marked, Betrayed, Chosen
and some i am waiting for,like:
Untamed, Twilight saga Guide Book, book 3 of the Inheritance Trilogy, Midnight Sun
ah~how i wish i can save enough money quickly.. then i will have a shopping spree after the O's! haha! xD
pictures (:
9/01/2008 03:47:00 pm
first,to thank rachel for sending me the class photos...
this is (almost) half the class.. 6A forever!

the classroom of 6A 4 years from then..


zhiyun,rachel,and me (: