hahaha! finally a proper update after so long,because i'm here to revive my blog after being away from it for a month (i'm so sorry to all those who come here to read my posts. and many thanks for coming!)
this will be a super super long post because i'm writing down everything i can remember for the past 4 weeks (but i'll have you know my memory is not good. haha) anyways,read this post at your own expense..
Farewell Assembly,10th October 2008
credits: ChuPing, Desiree, HweeYing, Koonling for the pictures
we played at Bishan Park 1 early in the morning.. plus picnic.. my class was so crazy. look at this:

xiuwei on this round thing which can turn. he almost fell off. and the thing is quite dirty,has lots of sand on it. my classmates and i took turns on it,lying down or having about 8 people sitting on the edges. we fell,of course,but it was fun. a bunch of caucasian kids saw us having fun so we had to let them play (okay,so they were staring us down,but we are good teenagers. besides,sharing is a virtue.)
everyone then played on the spiderweb thingy. we tried to climb on it,like i think 20 or so people? i was at the middle (i have a fear of heights so i daren't climb higher) anyways,we were so terrified all our weight would spoil the spiderweb structure but we still played on it anyways.. another picture taking craze~
climbing in process.....

onlookers... i'm already on the structure. see the person on the right with this white thing oh the head? that's me with a towel on my head because its almost afternoon and the weather is swealtering.


all of us walked back to school and on the whiteboard is ths picture..

we took back all the extra food from the park and Ms Zaiton treated us to a donut each. its delicious~ we all too pictures with many people,and passed cards and gifts from teachers and students alike..

at the hall.... i dont remember the exact order of events,but there were performances and a speech by our beloved
long winded principal, Mr Tan Chee Siong... our emcees were Jun Xing and Felicia. everyone walked the red carpet to their seats.
here's our principal..
dance by some group (i forgot their name) who won AMKsian's Got Talent (school event)

Most Courteous Pupil Award goes to our beloved class Chairperson (we gave him a standing ovation)

even our teachers sang for us. its a song called 'My Wish',very touching. Ms Zaiton,our form teacher,made a video and showed it to us on thursday,the day before the farewell assembly,using the same song. and she sang this song on stage the loudest,and had the best voice. who knew our class form can sing so well? i know i didnt.

ChuPing and Vivien went on stage to present Ms Zaiton with flowers.

performance by devolution. they're great!!

3 of my good friends, luomin,koonling and hweeying (luominate,koonie/asuka,kagami) sang the song "Say Goodbye" by S Club 7. we sang the school song loudest that day. all classes also had their class videos shown (each class was supposed to make a 5minute long video using class photos and the lot)
all classes were ushered down the red carpet out of the hall. teachers line both sides of the carpet to hug us. there were some students presenting gifts of appreciation,and of course there were many tears...
again,more with the photo-taking after the assembly..
tissue have to take photo with tissue (in case you dont know,'tissue paper' has been my nickname for almost 10 years because my name sounds like it) here's me with a piece of tissue paper,and my very good friend hwee ying (aka kagami)
yep,we're red-nosed because of the crying.

OMers from 2006 + 2007 (plus yong bang,the only boy on this photo)
left to right: raihana,koonling,justine,Mr Siva,yong bang,me,amelia

there is a buffet for everyone at the foyer,and my ex-class (at least most of the people from it) took a photo.
many of us went to eat at Junction 8. here's the list from kagami's blog (because i dont remember who went,but i added some she missed):
me, koonling, luomin, raihana, yingying, yiting, meixin,
yiqing, sandy, susan, xinyi, amanda, justine, amelia, yingxin,
calvin, tingkang,dinie, nathaniel, binmao (linhao), joled, junyan, barrie, hweeying, samuel, weizheng
they ate and i watched. haha.
@ yoshinoya~
after dinner, luomin went to play with yingying.. poor dear..

we went upstairs to the playground to play while deciding where to go next.. many of them went home but many went to barrie's house in the end. joled was having fun playing with some kids at the playground (that's what you get from having 4 younger siblings at home?)
kagami and i were singing anime theme songs because we were so bored waiting for a decision to be made.
here's a picture of us. from left: yiqing,kagami,me,asuka,luominate,samuel

at Bishan mrt~

^ i think koonling took this picture while we were talking to luominate.. my pose is so weird. heh.
in the mrt,LinHao is playing~

koonling with her phone again.. this is us talking on the mrt.

^ my aunty pose~!! koonie!!! dont take pictures of me like that can! hahaha. but that's what's good about candid shots.

^ kagami (black shirt,amiling) and teddy (yiting,green uniform with weird expression) happened to look into koonie's direction...

we took a bus after alighting from the mrt.. there were quite a number of us,and thus we kinda dominamted the top of the double decker bus. hehe.
these 3 girls decided to pose for koonie.
from left: kagami,yiqing,luominate

at barrie's house.. omgsh. his house is huge,but we didnt go in. we played at a playground close to his house before heading to the pool. i was the one crazy enough to jump into the pool and play in it (though i know i cannot swim AT ALL) my friends could just stare wide-eyed at me (yes,i know i'm crazy to jump into a swimming pool at about 9pm.i was pending for so long whether to jump in,and in the end after walking in the shallow part of the pool,i did a standing board jump into the pool. crazy,huh?)
my clothes were all wet,and i changed just right at the pool near some bushes (there were some people there,but i dont think they noticed. oh god. i hope i wasnt noticed) LinHao saw my changed clothes and had this shocked expression on his face. he was all "how did you managed to get changed?" because i refused to step into the gym, because
i have no idea where it is though they said its just nearby (these facilities are so easily assessble by the rich.);
it will be air-conditioned and thus cold (DUH!) and i didnt want to step into a clod place with wet clothes on;
i didnt want to wet the gym floor
people will stare if a half-drowned looking person suddenly steps into a gym
anyways,i just told him i was used to changing in front of people -girls- because we always have changing parades during training and camp. and i added that people do wear bikinis (not that i do,or own a set) the group of us gossipped at another playground (i think we need a life. or at least a place to go. so we dont get stuck at playgrounds anymore. that's the 3rd for the day!) went home with yiqing,koonie,and dinie on a cab. dinie wanted to pay for us (good man) but we declined and gave him some cash before we got off. reached home at about 11pm and bathed.
this is one of the most memorable (though i do get the order of event wrong) days in my life and i will forever treasure my secondary school mates. it turns out i didnt dislike some of them as much as i'd thought... good learning for me,too.
MeiYen's birthday, 5th November 2008
after our higher chinese paper,yenni treated us (kangming,zipeng,esther,dorothy,clara and myself) to lunch. we went to Buddy Hoagies for lunch. Yen and Cla got spaghetti, teo and dor fish baked rice, and km and zp chicken baked rice. those come with ice-lemon tea, sudent prices and benefits.. being a student is this good sometimes. yenni got me a mango shake,and i'm more in love with mango after that,not that i liked it alot before. hehe.
we went to watch Koizora at esther's house. but km and zp.. super noisy! making noises,laughing and giggling,giving spoilers, and touching each other. (esther,dor,yen and i dont call them the gay couple for nothing) esther,who rarely gets mad,almost shouted at them. after Koizora was Bring It On,a movie about cheerleading. it was a great movie too! lots of wonderous chorheography~
actually km is scared of dogs.. we had fun playing with him,getting him to let kristy (esther's dog) touch him. after km and zp went home,esther went with yen and i to go make yen's contacts.....but the shop was closed on wednesdays.. dor went home to bath. we went to get yen's cake too.. went to yen's house for awhile when teo went to some primary school for some talk. then headed back to esther's house. about 9++,zp came over from his tuition. we ate cake and watch the news....because it was election in America... and...just to mention. Obama got the vote and is American President now,the first black president of the United States (nope,i'm not discriminating. i already knew he'd win the elections)
13th nov
wooh~ finally last paper.. bio mcq.. went to help Mrs Yeo prepare for AMKsian Showcase... use LEGO to build robots.. me,teo,dor,yen,CP,zong you,chun you,qin jie,xiuwei,ziqin and some lower sec boys helped out at the Science Hub.. we the girls did part of a robot.. then realised we did the wrong model,and had to take apart everything again.. sigh~ and we also realised 1 robot 2 ppl do at once is best. haha
some of us played in the UV light room of the science hub for awhile. i didnt knew it existed until today... i feel like such a schmuck. hahas. oh well. better late than never. anyways,it was fun inside. so many toys to play with,and everyone's buttons looked whiter (and part blue) under the UV light.
chuping and the boys started playing because we were all waiting for the robots to be programmed. CP made this extendable arm thing with claws from the extra robot parts and played with it.. he put the arm thing on his stomach and kept extending and retracting it. chunyou and i were like "eh,chuping,looks wrong leh" esther laughed but dorothy was just clueless down there. actually one has to see the scene of CP playing to know what i mean. hahaha. they also tried to play bowling with robot/lego parts and plastic balls. really cannot understand boys sometimes...
at about 12pm,Dewi came over with cookies her mom baked for Hari Raya (these are the extras). the cookies are GREAT! we (dewi,me,teo) were going to watch Madagascar 2 together with Glenn. after we finished building the robots,we played with some of them.. the boys went home le,so we helped to pack up. we played with the robots. there was one that will move and respond to sound. then meiyen tried to talk to it to go to her.. it retreated!! for many times! and came to me!! wahahaha. robbie (we named it so) loves me and hates yen.. (poor yen..)
Madagascar 2 was as funny as the first movie! loved it!!! watched at Causeway Point after lunch with Glenn,teo,and dewi and AMK KFC.
17th nov
went to cut my hair at kimage (read kay-image) with yen,and walked around with her. i got myself a new pair of going-out slippers because the pair i had worn (and had been with me for 3 or 4 years) had unluckily spoiled. it was raining and i was walking around almost barefooted (i wore my left shoe and held the right one) but there happened to be a shop nearby which is having a year-end sale. i got my new shoes for $7.
i dont like my hair because the student (kimage is a place where people learn to be professional hiardressers) didnt do my hair nicely. okay,cant blame him. because my hair is curly by nature,and its the first time he's cutting the hairstyle i want,so nevermind.
18th nov
went for job interview...to wrap hampers for CNY (chinese new year). thanks,esther,for going with me even though you have 2 interviews yourself. we got hopelessly lost at Paya Ubi Industrial Park. luckily i have the boss' number and could call for directions.. hahaha. went to yen's house afterward to help her get her nails done for Grad Night (ala prom) she wanted French Manicure and taught me how to do it,and asked me to stick these fake jewels on her nails for the glitter effect (the theme for prom was 'glamourous') reached home late and got scolded by mom. said i was being a busybody. oh well.
19th nov
ooh~ prom night!!! i didnt go and went shopping instead... heard that Vivien and YuJun are prom Queen and King! gratz!!! kaiyuan was so proud of vivien and went about saying "hey,my girlfriend prom queen leh!" hahaha.
we (teo,dor and i) went with yen to get her her belated b-day present in the morning at Admiralty. i went to yen's house to help her to make a card for our form teacher Ms Zaiton and with her nails (again,because some jewels were dropping). i watched this cantonese show at her home (its a dvd) with her parents while she was doing some stuff by herself like bathing and changing. i rushed home,bathed,and went out again.
went walking with dor,teo,and the 'gay couple' (kangming and zipeng) at bugis.we played house the whole night. km was mummy and zp was daddy. the 2 of them had some 'fight' scenes and we the girls sided with 'mummy'. km will be like "i want to divorce you!" and zp would say "fine,its just a divorce! i wont give you any alimony!" and gawd,we're crossing the road and they're being all 'lovey-dovey". those two... really cant stand these 2 sometimes... *sigh*
we got into this shopping centre,and teo and i got watches. 1 was $10 and 2 was $19.. but when we went to some market-ish place nearby,they are selling a watch i wanted at $5 instead of the $10 i saw at the shop in the shopping center. i felt so cheated... but i saw the watch was in a poor condition... we walked the whole market-ish place to look at clothes and other items. there was this sale at the center of the place,and we managed to get the guys to leave before the could see the lingerie that was just beside them. (i think they're still clueless why we made them go until now)
we then went to eat at KFC. actually,the guys ate while the girls rested and talked. esther got this cute formal shirt at the market-ish place and was making me model ><>
20th nov
my girls are having camp,so i went over as early as i could. reached school at 10.30am and they were having bunk inspection. i see some of them... really 'mou ngan tai' (its cantonese. i dunno how to translate this phrase to english) cant complain,though,because they are still learning..
had barbeque in the school at about 5 in the evening.. the potatoes taste great! and so do the bananas. thanks siqi,for the wonderful recipes. the only setback was that some girls from the red cross youth society came over and sort of demanded Samantha to help them roast marshmellows. sam was pissed (and so are we) the real story is different from my mouth,though,so i shall not repeat it here. sad/angry things should be left behind.
melanie had a bout of 'fever' and started speaking japanese words and phrases. then we started singing the Vampire Knight GUILTY opening song, rinne~rondo~ (tv version). hahah. i went home ant about 9pm because dad was bugging me. again,i was sad to leave,but i had to.
21st nov
went back to school to help my juniors with some preparations for the AMKsian Showcase (aka open house) and to play captain's ball with my classmates. so fun... but i had to leave early to bring Eileen,Dewi,DanHui and 3 of her friends to te place i went for interview because they're interviewing too and i got lost tuesday looking for the place. haha.
22nd nov
ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay haha. AMKsian showcase too. i'll update on the AFA'08 once i get pictures. as for school open house.. quite fun.. i walked around,looked at my girls for abit,and went to help out at the science department,before 'fleeing' to Suntec City convention hall for AFA.
we made this bridge in the Guides room at school.. it looks cool! i'll have to get a picture of it someday.. hahah.
more updates coming up soon~ these few days i've been working,so kinda tired.. and i'm re-watching My Date With A Vampire series,so i slept late too.. goodnight (actually,its morning,1.11am,but still) and goodbye for now..